Custom Foil Stickers
Order custom made foil stickers for your next event mailing or special project. Minimum quantities and pricing varies, please contact our Promotional Sales team for more details PDSpromo@unt.edu or visit our website: www.promoplace.com/untpromos
Allow up to 4 weeks for production and delivery.

Custom Shape Stickers
Be creative with our custom shape stickers. Minimum quantities and pricing varies, please contact our Promotional Sales team for more details PDSpromo@unt.edu or visit our website: www.promoplace.com/untpromos
Allow up to 4 weeks for production and delivery.
PDS Promotional Sales
PDS Promo Place is your resource for all promotional and give-away items. From t-shirts to pencils and anything you need to have sucessful event or marketing campaign. Please check out our entire catalog online and let us know how we can help you.
PDSpromo@unt.edu | 940.565.2005